[ crosspost su VoIT ]
Impossibile non segnalare questo ottimo post per iniziare ad avere in mente la versione 2 del meraviglioso software che e’ Wordpress…
-> What is new in WordPress 2.0 from 1.5?
One important note before we begin: Many of the changes in WordPress from 1.5 to 2.0 are under the hood. They are things that you’re not going to notice unless you are developer. There are some features that casual users will notice that are significant, but (in my opinion) most of the real change has happened where most people won’t see.
As a result, there is a fundamental thing to understand here. What often looks like catering to plugin developers is actually of benefit to common users, because with the enhanced capabilities of the underlying engine it becomes possible to make better extensions faster than we could before. The underlying engine has been made to work better. There have been times while doing contract work on 1.5.x installations where two days of work were necessary to accomplish something that I could have done in 1.6 (now 2.0) in about 10 minutes. Seriously.
E la lista delle novita’ e’ molto lunga e molto succosa direi…
Non vedo l’ora di poterci mettere le mani…
Altre info anche qui:
-> Version 1.6 - Wordpress Wiki
Appena trovo il tempo alla beta magari ci daro’ un’occhiata…