Sto facendo un po’ di prove su un tool da poco rilasciato open, che mi sta sorprendendo molto…
-> Aduna Autofocus

In realta’ sto cercando di capirne le potenzialita’, e nella versione server la caratteristica innovativa:
i metadata poi creati sono in **RDF, all’interno di Sesame..
Cosa significa: significa che sono in un formato aperto, espandibile, e sotto il nostro controllo.
Oltre che, volendo, poter poi visionare i dati RDF con un front-end ad hoc personalizzato.

Non mi pare poco.

E questa e’ la direzione, spiegata molto bene e con ampia veduta d’insieme:
-> Aperture to the Semantic Desktop

Altre info qui:
-> An ontology-based system for interactive exploration of information sources

work in progress

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Some thoughts about the last developments in Gnome desktop enviroment
Based on this post ( _written in italian _)…

Using Ubuntu Dapper with AIGLX support, in combination with Beagle, Google Web service, Evolution and Liferea for RSS support… it’s a very cool and usable place to work… ( this is my notebook, Benq S53 white )

Thinking of the innovation and the productity of a tool like Devon Think, its capability to show and “records” data and how it is similar to the RDF world…potential ASAIK…
I think i’m looking for… A bit more…

Let me explain: a lot of good ideas from this cool blog, about the new way of visualizing data, graphs everywhere but not only…
And with the support of others ways of navigations in the information sea…

I’m frustrating with the not enough time problem: a request for LazyWeb

Liferea reads and saves RSS and RDF or ATOM data: but in a way that it’s not simple to export…

**Why not have a simple RDF engine that captures all that data, with a simple setup and a simple way to offers data for others RDF capable applications?

Looking into the SIMILE project in these days, i am surprised by the good work they are making:

Thinking of Beagle++ : a very cool idea for the semantic data…

As the original Beagle, our improved Beagle++ crawls your desktop (only the directories you want it to) and indexes the content of all known files such as Office documents, Emails, images, music and video files, source code, etc. Unlike Beagle, our version also extracts metadata and it restores the semantic relations among documents and entities on your desktop. E.g. when a keyword search returns a file that you originally stored from an attachment of an Email, the search application will tell you so.
Then you can obtain further information of the context in which you recevied that file.

Relations and links between entities in our everyday life: understanding the semantic implicit data in the way WE make associations between files and data and saving them…

The directions are very interesting…

As someone told in PlanetRDF:

Semantic Web based research isn’t working

Totally agree with: the semantic landscape is changing and it’s a matter of time, and the everyday desktop usage will be totally DATA based… finally…
Applications and others desktop metaphors are old enough…
Linking ( as data hyperlinking ) implicit and explicit are a new keys for manage and navigating into our data…**

Google docet….

work in progress

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[ crosspost su VoIT ]

Il tempo e’ tiranno, ma dovete assolutamente leggere questi posts, a mio avviso stupendi…
-> piggybank VS gnowsis - towards a better Semantic Desktop

In this article I am going to point out how the experiences made from piggy-bank and gnowsis could fit together and how all this code could be made compatible towards a better Semantic Desktop, creating a new semantic experience.
First I will point out what inspired this article and some technical details, then I will describe some plans for the future.

-> The power of the URL-line

There is often more value in getting XML out of a web service than in sending XML into a service. In such cases, the human-friendly URL-line offers distinct advantages.

Ci sono altri links che meritano un po’ di attenzione pero’ :

-> Ontology of Folksonomy: A Mash-up of Apples and Oranges

Ontologies are enabling technology for the Semantic Web. They are a means for people to state what they mean by formal terms used in data that they might generate or consume.
Folksonomies are an emergent phenomenon of the social web. They are created as people associate terms with content that they generate or consume.
Recently the two ideas have been put into opposition, as if they were right and left poles of a political spectrum. This piece is an attempt to shed some cool light on the subject, and to preview some new work that applies the two ideas together to enable an Internet ecology for folksonomies.
-> An address book ontology
Modeling names and addresses. No, not that old debate, the sort that appear in your address book.

Ci sono molti dettagli e argomenti in gioco, verranno sicuramente ripresi…

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Foto dell'autore

Matteo Brunati

Attivista Open Data prima, studioso di Civic Hacking e dell’importanza del ruolo delle comunità in seguito, vengo dalle scienze dell’informazione, dove ho scoperto il Software libero e l’Open Source, il Semantic Web e la filosofia che guida lo sviluppo degli standard del World Wide Web e ne sono rimasto affascinato.
Il lavoro (dal 2018 in poi) mi ha portato ad occuparmi di Legal Tech, di Cyber Security e di Compliance, ambiti fortemente connessi l’uno all’altro e decisamente sfidanti.

Compliance Specialist SpazioDati
Appassionato #CivicHackingIT
