Il documento in questione parla di molte cose e iniziare da un estratto preso dal mezzo non e’ certo un buon inizio, ma non resisto: e’ il cuore del Web2.0 se vogliamo e della rivoluzione che pian piano di soppiatto avremo nei prossimi anni nel Web…
Una cosa che ho gia’ accennato, il famoso Web of data, o Open Data….
Web users are becoming increasingly more savvy, and they have begun to recognise that their ongoing contributions in whatever form, e.g. product reviews, are an important success factor for these businesses.
In short, users are coming to recognise that they are providing data for free, so why should it be locked into that site alone?
**After Open Source, Open Data
The growing desire for web users to maintain ownership of their data, plus the increasing willingness for businesses to share their data to benefit from the network effects that web services can engender can be seen as a natural second wave of “open-ness”.
First open source; now open dataThis second wave has the potential to be a much bigger and profound movement as it is of immediate relevance to all frequent web users, rather than just software engineers, hackers, businesses, etc.
The pressure for information to be free, is translating into pressure for sites to expose open services for users to interact with.
Similar pressures are leading to standardisation of data formats; web services alone aren’t enough the data must be portable and easily exchangeable. XML and RDF are both core technologies that facilitate this exchange, with specific vocabularies, such as FOAF (description of users) and RSS (syndication of content) addressing particular needs.
Questo e’ proprio uno dei passaggi chiave per capire la direzione che conviene prendere per rendere le applicazioni Web piu’ evolute e cosi’ anche l’esperienza Web stessa…
Per non parlare che creando un sub-strato RDF si crea anche quel livello fondamentale sul quale poggia la visione del Semantic Web…
Con un solo approccio si potrebbero avere ben due vantaggi, uno immediato e uno nel tempo…
Passiamo ora a vedere di cosa si parla in questo paper…
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