[ crosspost su VoIT ]
Sembra che qualcuno abbia brevettato anche la metodologia delle idee alla base di AJAX, ma anche di Flash e non solo…
-> U.S. Grants Patent For AJAX
The patent–issued on Valentine’s Day–covers all rich-media technology implementations, including Flash, Flex, Java, Ajax, and XAML, when the rich-media application is accessed on any device over the Internet, according to the patent holders.
Della serie: continuare a brevettare idee generiche fa molto bene al progresso e all’umanita’…
Non ho parole…
How broad is the patent? Here’s what the patent abstract says it covers:
A host computer, containing processes for creating rich-media applications, is accessed from a remote user computer system via an Internet connection.
User account information and rich-media component specifications are uploaded over the Internet for a specific user account.
Rich-media applications are created, deleted, or modified in a user account, with rich-media components added to, modified in, or deleted from the rich-media application based on information contained in a user request.
After creation, the rich-media application is viewed or saved on the host computer system, or downloaded to the user computer system over the Internet.
Via Wikilab…