Mentre sto testando i plugin sui metadata che accennavo nel post precedente, ecco qualche articolo che tocca argomenti tecnici interessanti…
- Google Sitemaps
The service is still in beta, and Google calls it “an experiment in web crawling,” but many recent developments on the web make it an especially useful idea. For one thing, with the rise of weblogs there are so many more episodic websites, which are intended to change frequently.
- Get started now with Eclipse
Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on providing an extensible development platform and application frameworks for building software. This article gives you links to the latest version of Eclipse, information on IBM’s involvement with Eclipse, and a guide to some of the most interesting Eclipse projects. Learn what Eclipse is good for, why it is important, how you can get started, and where to learn more about it.
- Make the Google API Open!
An open message to Microsoft and Yahoo, and major implementors of search engines: Please clone the Google API, without the limits.
- Master, what is the meaning of Live?
Alcune interessanti opinioni sui nuovi web services targati Microsoft, dei quali parla anche Punto InformaticoIo guarderei Netvibes per capire di chi sono le idee… e chi e’ piu’ bravo a metterle in pratica senza tanta pubblicita’…