I need some help in this topic… Something also in this post…
It’s not simple to find correct scheme to make an aggregation of a business work area…
I mean: using RDF as its key element…
Aggregation power…
Without any problem…
**To make a knownledge business aggregation point of data…
To record something about the business logic not so formally…
But with a bottom-up approach…
The steps to make this happen are:
- identify resorces and good URIs
- identify global schemas and ontologies to not reinvent the wheel
- making all complete with OUR local business logic schema
I’m looking for some suitable schemas, but it’s not so simple…
VCARD is one, FOAF is another, DOAC maybe…
Something about events, products and so on…
Maybe also project management….
Also Ebiquity ontologies are interesting…
I mean: in a business there are people, events, products, news, and so on…
I’m thinking on it, and in the next days i’ll make something to explain better my thoughts…
Something that i have found:
- Responsibility/Accountability
- Role
- Contracts, Agreements
- Timeframe, deadline
- Party (Person/Organization)
- Name
- Address
- …
=> Is that vcard semantics?
Any suggestions ? Trying a PlanetRDF ping… :)
Or Danny …
-> VocabularyMarket
-> Looking for RDF schemas
work in progress