A good hack of RDF and iCal…
-> RSS to iCalendar

RSS is a format that is a syndication feed of items with (date, time, description) which sounds remarkably similar to a calendar file such as iCalendar ICS files produced and consumed by calendar programs such as Apple’s iCal.

Not sure about the real use of this step: from RSS and RDF to iCal

Thinking of it, i have tried to import the .ics file generated in my Ipod video, and it works :)

As a way to make another view of PlanetRDF post, ordered by date…

As Datenbrei has noted, we can use this utility as reminder, but also as another way to saving posts and their reference…

The limit is the length of the “notes” entry in the calendar: i don’t know why the script has cut the post content…
Maybe for ics specification limits?

Very cool, IMHO…

other ideas?

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Qualche link molto valido per capire dove siamo e dove stiamo andando con la Rete e non solo…

-> Feed me back
-> La pietra filosofale
-> La fine dell’equazione

Per quanto riguarda invece gli strumenti, direi che e’ da soppesare con calma questo post di Danny Ayers, a mio avviso eccezionale e che sviluppero’ prossimamente…
-> Home Page 2

Il passaggio che piu’ mi ha colpito e’ questo: [ piu’ che altro perche’ era la direzione dei miei pensieri degli ultimi mesi… ]

I realise I’m hardly leading by example here (heh), but as every day passes I’m increasingly amazed at how mind-numbingly dull blog design tends to be.
The typical 2- or 3- column layout is a direct descendant of print media layouts. The sites that do look stunning tend to look stunning in exactly the way a creatively-designed magazine looks.
With the improvements in bandwidth and P2P tech I’m sure we’ll see increased mimicry of of tv/film visual design.
But it’s all so flat.
By that I’m not suggesting everything goes visually 3D, but the information available at a given site can be viewed in lots of different ways, many slices or facets of the multi-dimensional data are potentially available.

In questo ambito diciamo che ha una coerenza di ferro, visto che riproposto online il suo background informativo via Longwell:
-> DannyAyers data via Longwell

Aggiungendo il fatto che ha cambiato il proprio gestore di conoscenza, e quello che sta usando ha caratteristiche veramente innovative…
-> KnoBot - An agent for decentralised knowledge exchange
In sintesi e’ questo:

WYMIWYG KnoBot combines semantic web technology with a P2P design to build a trust based decentralised system for information selection and discovery.

E in dettaglio le tecnologie usate:

KnoBot is open source software developed in Java using the Jena framework for accessing an RDF model where all contents and meta-information is stored requiring no relational database.
The rendition to variuos output format is done with XSLT transforming RDF serialized as R3X or TriX into HTML and in future other fomats like Atom, RSS and XSL:FO (to generate PDF-files).

Verso un Web of data, consapevole….

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This post is an open question:

imagine a corporate web site with a portfolio or a case history of business success stories….

Is this the case of application of hCard, or something similar, in RDF?

Using RDF to model some business data, and using Longwell to browse it in a clear way, is it an idea?

Having data as RDF, the data is on our control…
And not vendor-lock…

And it’s possible to use all the RDF compatible stuff on it…
Open data

My short answer: in the next days i’ll make something about it, probably a post…

Some good start points:
-> Using RDF to create a local business review and search network
-> Getting in Touch with XML Contacts
-> Extending FOAF with Resume information
-> Modelling vCards in RDF

Visible Path: it’s very interesting and cool, anyone using it?

work in progress

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Matteo Brunati

Attivista Open Data prima, studioso di Civic Hacking e dell’importanza del ruolo delle comunità in seguito, vengo dalle scienze dell’informazione, dove ho scoperto il Software libero e l’Open Source, il Semantic Web e la filosofia che guida lo sviluppo degli standard del World Wide Web e ne sono rimasto affascinato.
Il lavoro (dal 2018 in poi) mi ha portato ad occuparmi di Legal Tech, di Cyber Security e di Compliance, ambiti fortemente connessi l’uno all’altro e decisamente sfidanti.

Compliance Specialist SpazioDati
Appassionato #CivicHackingIT
