[ crosspost su VoIT ]
Breve e conciso…
Ci sono un paio di posts da leggere e segnare, importantissimi a mio avviso:
-> The Meta Wars
For all that people are saying 2006 is going to be the year of this or that, I think that 2006 is going to be the year of metadata, and as such, we’re about to see some of the bloodiest battles in blogging.
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Four years ago, the name of the game was weblogging; three years ago it was syndication; last year was search engines and this year, podcasting; next year it will be metadata.
Companies will fuss and fidget and claim to be first or best, or that they’re only operating in the best interests of us (with an implication that other companies are not). We know better, but we don’t mind because the more dirt they dish up on each other, the more flowers the rest of us can plant.
Di materiale tecnico sulle scelte di come implementare i metadata abbondiamo, appena trovo un po’ di tempo scrivero’ qualcosa…
-> Technorati Explore: The Tagspace As The Future of Media
Technorati Explore allows a user to see the most recent posts from blogs about any subject, such as “social media” as shown in this screen shot (hey, that’s me!):
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The unveiling of Technorati Explore lays to rest any questions I may have had. This is the first glimpse of Technorati 2.0: the media company.
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And more importantly, Technorati can scale to support as many conversations as there are topics, or tags.
Quindi ricapitolando, Technorati adesso sta sperimentando un nuovo servizio di aggregazione delle discussioni,Technorati Explore [ per ora nell’area kitchen del portale, quindi in sperimentazione… ]
What’s this? This page shows what’s hot in blogs on specific topics right now. Choose a topic or search for your own to dive in! una specie di filtro globale stile Memeorandum…
E Shelley Powers fornisce molti, moltissimi spunti per capire il nuovo trend del momento: i metadata
( con RDF si spera nei primi posti: in questo caso un post dedicato sara’ d’obbligo… )
Non dimentichiamo per chiudere un post esplosivo una novita’ esplosiva:
Tim Berners Lee finalmente ha un blog !!!
In 1989 one of the main objectives of the WWW was to be a space for sharing information. It seemed evident that it should be a space in which anyone could be creative, to which anyone could contribute. The first browser was actually a browser/editor, which allowed one to edit any page, and save it back to the web if one had access rights.
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Now in 2005, we have blogs and wikis, and the fact that they are so popular makes me feel I wasn’t crazy to think people needed a creative space. In the mean time, I have had the luxury of having a web site which I have write access, and I’ve used tools like Amaya and Nvu which allow direct editing of web pages. With these, I haven’t felt the urge to blog with blogging tools. Effectively my blog has been the Design Issues series of technical articles.
Magico, no? :)