Sembra che anche in America ci sia aria di riforma sui brevetti e ci sono proposte di legge in atto…
Thursday, Congressman Lamar Smith introduced the Patent Reform Act of 2005 to the floor of the House.
The bill modifies how patent owners are identified, how patents are awarded, disclosed, disputed and what damages patent holders are entitled to from infringement.
In effetti e’ uno dei piu’ grossi cambiamenti dal 1952 riguardo alla legge sui brevetti, e come sempre anche questo divide le opinioni.
Smith says that the proposed changes would eliminate “legal gamesmanship” that disrupts the operations of high-tech companies and that the changes will improve the overall quality of patents.
Smith also believes that an upsurge in innovation will come as a result; although, critics of the bill say that it will have a negative impact on technology start-ups and favor big business.
Il dibattito sui reali effetti di queste modifiche e’ molto acceso, e occorre sapere anche che Microsoft e’ una delle sostenitrici del cambiamento nei brevetti…
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