PIM sul Web... verso il Web2
[ crosspost su VoIT ]
Ecco una lista di applicazioni Web da provare e da tenere d’occhio per chi ha a disposizione un dominio web:
- Monket Calendar
An Ajax enabled online calendar. Drag and drop events to change dates, drag the start/end of an event to create multi-day events, create and edit events without refreshing the page, all with an iCal style interface.
- RoundCube Webmail
This project is meant to be a modern webmail solution which is easy to install/configure and that runs on a standard PHP/MySQL configuration.The skins use the latest web standards such as XHTML and CSS 2. The project includes open-source classes/libraries like PEAR and the IMAP wrapper from IlohaMail.org.
- Gregarius is a web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM feed
Gregarius is a web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM feed aggregator, designed to run on your web server, allowing you to access your news sources from wherever you want.
Per quelli che vogliono essere indipendenti da applicazioni sociali di terze parti… e controllare quello che stanno usando, modificandolo anche…
Iniziando a pensare quali dati possono rendere pubblici in forme compatibili con il Web2, RDF in primis…