Blogoposium and a new kind of conversation...
I think that the most innovative tools we will use in the future and their invention will come from the bottom and from above suspicion persons…
One of these innovations is in my opinion this new way of a distributive discussion on a fixed topic with blogs as a medium, called blogoposium…
[ and this is another little contribute to blogoposium1 initiative incidentally ]
There is a wonderful post of Nancy White that tries to explain the origin of the word and of the phenomenon:
blogoposium : a way to codify an informal form that has emerged across blogs for sometime: a shared focus over a certain period of time.
And this is the final part…
Key words here. Public. Presentation. Drinking. Party. Experts. Specialists.
The only one that really talks about interchange or dialoge is the reference to Socrates. And that was about love.Of course blog is the medium. So I think I shall focus on that last word, love.
What happens when we get together and talk about things we care about deeply.
Things we love.
What changes? With that be part of a Blogoposium on Web 2.0?
Is that a measure of what we can bring when we blog collaboratively across our little domains and piles of words?
In my opinion this is a wonderful way to see how it’s difficul to learn using new tools…
In other words something like this “blogosopium” has been technically possible not only in these days, but a lot before…
People have to learn using tools that are new, and the technology itself is nothing without human creativity…
We have the Web2: agree or not it’s the actual web with a new interpretation of technology ( think about AJAX and blogs… ) and a new usability… a way to go back to the origin of the medium… like someone else said…
**It’s a return of centrality of the link idea, and in other forms, more usable forms…
It’s the return of a new kind of interaction of Internet and of the Web itself…**
We are learning using the medium, simply…
Blogs for example go back with the importance of text and links, than the Flash and webdesign crazy years…
We can decide what Web2 means, what technologies are involved but the most important part as someone has noted is the main role of the user and of the usability and accessibility of data and tools
As Dion Hinchcliffe said about blogoposium initiative:
This is powerful, useful, and easy stuff.
Just like the Web should be.
In turn, you can consume the RSS feed directly from this URL and get any new posts that get tagged, anywhere on a published blog feed, essentially creating a new dynamic service that is a feed for the whole blogoposium.
All by using a simple tag to annotate distributed content and then putting it at the end of a content aggregator’s URL.This is a prime example of the possibilities of Web 2.0: syndication, tagging, aggregation, and participation have made this blogoposium happen entirely using a self-service model, with little needed effort on collation or organizing the contributions, and with all that much more focus on the resulting thing that ultimately matters most: the blogoposium content
[_ A little note: when the tools are usable and the Net is trasparent we can concentrate on the content and on the data…_ ]
Community is asking for simplicity and usability and the unofficial birth of tagging and microformats and blogs and so on is the not perfect but usable answer of the need of something more…
About semantic world i think this is the challenge: using the right technology but making it usable and simpler… the problem is that it’s a difficult process..
-> New Forms of “Gathering” - Blogoposium”
-> Web 2.0 Blogoposium Happenings So Far