My thoughts on the web2.0
This is my little contribute to blogoposium1 initiative…
So my vision of web2.0 term is this:
Web as a platform totally trasparent to the user, which can edit and read everything and from everywhere and manipulate data creatively
The Web1 in my opinion isn’t a completed idea, but only the beginning of Tim Berners Lee vision of it… and we have only seen the alpha stage of it !!!
There is in fact the W3C that formally try to improve the Web to its full potential, but sometimes lacks of usability and of a response to the need of the users community so the community tries to solve its problems alone… [_ tags and microformats initiative_ ]
It’s important to remark that the original Web idea is not the present Web, but a Web that is totally interactive and editable, where a user can edit and read at the same time and without any problems…
And from Visualizing Web2.0
And with Web 2.0 apps, you still maintain control of your data. You haven’t lost it at all, you’ve really just put it in context.
Yes, so Web 2.0 is such an engaging, lively, and useful place when compared to computing alone.
But the wonderful definition that i’m totally agree with is this one:
So, in the spirit of entering the conversation, let me suggest that Web 2.0 ultimately refers to “****an emerging network-centric platform to support distributed, collaborative and cumulative creation by its users.”
And also this one is remarkable:
..the Web is fast becoming the platform of choice for developers, business, media, public services, and so on.
Some real examples
Imagine that you use your browser as the main application of your daily computer usage and your data is on the Net, where exactly isn’t really important….
You have sites that offer to aggregate your data and manipolate it as you want and donwload it to your local disk in a open format that you can work with.
You can for example make some notes on a web page, interact with its content and the other users can view these notes easily…
You can access the Net from every device and every operating system you want and you have new tools to improve your searches of information that belong to massive social software available…
Data is everywhere and it really is the core and the real attention of the user, the tools that you are using are trasparent and you can concentrate on the data itself.
So for example the user can control without intermediate every final product he has brought, and this liberty of expression can easily break the actual business logic, as we can see here…
Business Week ran an interesting story recently that spotlights once again how dramatically the business world must change now that companies, for the first time in history, have direct personal contact with their customers.
You can express your own ideas about all you want and the net discussion about a topic is simple to track thanks to simple tecniques and web portals that you really control [ something similar to actual blogs and portals like and ]
Another key point
When we have a lot of web sites with REST API and XML data i think that i want to make a choice between two different possibilities:
- using such web sites and web services, with some rules about my own data and its export format
- tools available for who has a web domain and the data available in standard format ( RDF for example ) can be collected by web sites or web services for social purposes
Or in other words it’s important that there are web services and sites that offer services and so on… but it’s important also that there are similar tools open source ready for the webmasters…
So the user that has a domain can easily control even the services, not only the data, and using a standard format [ RDF and SPARQL for example ] the data is available for the web aggregator for social purposes…
Personalized tools and social tools can exist together…
Thinking about the virtual identity problem: a lot of services with a lot of logins for the user.. is crazy…
But this theme is a big one…
The point IMHO is this: data is the main focus and if i want to control and personalize the tools i am using, the choice is fundamental… as for the standard format of the data…
You can have your own site, with a lot of useful data that are available throw SPARQL endpoints and RDF format, which are the base of Semantic Web vision…
We can make web2.0 compatible with the full expression of the next Semantic Web vision…
-> Web 2.0
-> Really Simple Web 2.0
-> What is Web 2.0
-> What is Web 2.0?
-> Notes and Fodder for Blogoposium 1
-> Visualizing Web 2.0
-> More than this…
-> Web 2.0 Elevator Pitch
-> Identity 2.0 presentation