Semantic Web sotto l'ombrellone...
Visto che il tempo e’ poco, intanto lancio delle segnalazioni,
sulle quali poi con calma mi fermero’ piu’ avanti…
Le consiglio caldamente perche’ sono discussioni ad alto livello sui fondamenti e sulle prospettive del Semantic Web e delle tecnologie ad esso correlate…
Prendetele come** letture per l’estate sul Semantic Web** :)
Ma si addentrano anche nella solita questione di quanto sono giuste e come si possono inserire i microformats e i vari dialetti XML ( Atom e RSS2 in testa… ) nella visione del web semantico…
I gave a talk yesterday at the ICSOC04. It was essentially a reminder to a group of very smart people that their intelligence should be used to accomodate really simple user and programmer models, not to build really complex ones.
Since I was preceded by Don Ferguson of IBM and followed the next day by Tim Berners-Lee, it seemed especially wise to stick to simple and basic ideas. Here is the talk
-> ISCOC04 Talk
So I meant to write about a 1-line piece of Javascript, but ended up with a 5000 word freeform essay on the nature of RDF, XML, validation and so forth. It could probably do with some editing, but for now the words are in pretty much the order they came out of my brain.
A short summary: thinking about our expectations of RDF “validation” can teach us a lot about RDF’s value, about it’s relationship to XML, and about the things we should focus on building next.
-> CheckRDFSyntax and Schemarama Revisited
In risposta all’intervento qui sopra…
Un gran intervento di Stefano Mazzocchi…
-> Data First vs. Structure First
When you blog, you don’t tell the blog where to put it. You just write, you blog.
When you write a diary, you don’t pick a random page and then write an index to indicate where to locate that item. You just pick up from where you left off. Some people like to categorize their blog posts, some don’t. Some people decide what goes in their feeds, and some others allow you to have an RSS feed of a particular query.
e una delle tante repliche…
-> Game time started
E non poteva mancare uno dei maggiori creativi in circolazione, Danny Ayers con un post molto interessante dal titolo:
Got microformat data? Want it on the Semantic Web?
All you need is a bit of XSLT and a couple of tweaks to the XMDP profile, and every single document using that profile will transparently get a Semantic Web existence.
E per finire una interessante discussione su …
An anonymous reader writes “Adam Bosworth delivered what could be considered a seminal lecture (mp3) at the last MySQL conference about a new data model for the web, why the plain HTML web succeeded, and why XQuery or the Semantic web are failures. He is emphatic that RSS 2.0/Atom are the next big thing and represent the new data model for the web. The audio is rather long at forty plus minutes and there are a few places where the talk has been covered.”